What happens after I have placed my order?
After we have received your order, we will send you an order confirmation. Normally, your order will be shipped within 3-5 days (please refer to our delivery conditions for any deviations).
If you have chosen "payment in advance" as payment method, your order will be shipped 3-5 days after we have received your payment.
What can I do if I have ordered an item incorrectly or would like to change my order again?
If you have any questions about your delivery, please send us an email to tinkalu@tinkalu.com as soon as possible and we will get in touch with you.
What happens if my goods arrive damaged?
Unfortunately, it cannot be completely ruled out that this happens from time to time. Please write to us immediately at tinkalu@tinkalu.com and describe the condition. It would be very helpful if you could also send us pictures of the damaged product and the packaging. We will then decide whether you should return the product. We will send you the product again.
What happens if I want to return my order or parts of it?
We ask you to return the goods to us at your own expense.
The return address is:
Tinkalu GmbH,℅ Fa. Pelocan, Donaustaufer Strasse 54a, 93059 Regensburg, Germany.